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OTA Program Specific Information


OTA Process for Entry into OTA Cohorts and Limited Enrollment Courses

A maximum of thirty (30) students per year may begin the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program's limited enrollment courses. The following selection procedure will be used:

  1. Students who have successfully completed the prerequisites for cohort eligibility will be placed on the eligibility list. The eligibility list date will be determined by the date the student completed the prerequisites for limited enrollment courses and then by GPA.
  2. Eligibility requirements for entry to limited enrollment courses periodically change. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain contact with the OTA office to remain current on the requirements.
  3. It is recommended that students meet with a Health Science Academic Advisor to plan a course of study.

Transfer of Courses into the OTA Program

Students requesting credit for previous coursework must submit an official transcript from the educational institution to the Office of Registration and Student Records.

Minimum Admission Requirements

The following are the minimum requirements to be placed on the eligibility list for the Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) program/cohort:

  • Completion of 4 prerequisite courses with a minimum grade of “C”:
    • ALH 1101 Introduction to Healthcare Delivery
    • BIO 1121  Human Anatomy & Physiology 1
    • OTA 1111 Introduction to Occupational Therapy Assistant
    • ENG 1101 English Composition 1
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5
  • Overall TEAS score of 50
  • Science TEAS score of 50
  • English TEAS score of 50
  • Reading TEAS score of 50

Students may attempt the TEAS as many times as needed to obtain minimum score.

OTA Program Estimated Costs

*All requirements are subject to change and all costs are approximate

  • Tuition Cost and Fee Schedule: Varies
  • Textbooks/supplies: subject to change
    • Required textbooks - $1000
    • Optional textbooks - $500
    • Tools/miscellaneous lab supplies required - $120
  • Mandatory Medical Costs: Sources outside of Sinclair. Costs will vary depending on student’s healthcare provider and insurance.

    Physician’s office visit prior to program entry to check health status. Required immunizations/vaccinations must be kept current while in the program:
    • TB/Mantoux (tine not acceptable) – required annually
    • MMR (titer acceptable)
    • Tetanus, Diphtheria – required every ten years
    • Hepatitis B (titer acceptable)
    • Varicella/chicken pox (titer acceptable)
    • Influenza – required annually
  • Mandatory CPR Certification for Healthcare Providers: Cost varies. Sources outside of Sinclair. Required every two years and must be kept current while in program.
  • Mandatory Background Check: Cost varies. BCI or BCI/FBI required annually while in program.
  • Drug Screen: (if required by student’s fieldwork placement) Cost varies.
  • Fieldwork Other: Varies
    Additional expenses not listed may be incurred with the student’s fieldwork placement, including travel costs to/from site (up to 70 miles from Sinclair Downtown)
  • OTA Certification and Licensure Fees: Varies. To view current fees associated with certification visit the NBCOT website. Visit the the OPTAT Ohio website for more information on licensure.

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