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PTA Program Specific Information


Program Overview

  • The Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Sinclair offers admission to students through General Admission and Tech Prep pathways.  Details on admissions eligibility and processes can be found online in the PTA Program Information Packet.
  • While a student is working toward entry into the PTA technical courses, it is recommended to complete any required general education courses and plan for the financial and time obligations that are associated with completion of the program.
  • Upon completion of the PTA program curriculum, the student is awarded the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree.
  • Graduates of the PTA program are eligible to site for the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) national licensure exam.

Program Expectations

  • Once enrolled in the program, students must:
    • Be at least 18 years of age by initiation of PTA technical courses.
    • Pass all coursework with a C or better to remain in the program.  The grading scale for the PTA technical courses is as follow:
      • A = 93 - 100%
      • B = 85 - 92%
      • C = 77 - 84%
      • D = 70 – 76%
      • F = <70%
    • Attend a mandatory Program Orientation.
    • Submit required documentation and forms (e.g., Authorization for Release of Records, etc.) according to program deadlines.  Students who do not submit documentation and/or forms according to program deadlines will not be able to start and/or remain in the technical courses of the PTA program.  Exceptions may be made under extenuating circumstances, subject to review by the PTA program director and the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE).  Any request for an exception must be communicated to the ACCE well in advance of the due date.
    • Complete all health requirements.
    • Complete a background check.  See Health Science Division Background Check Policy for more information.
    • Demonstrate proof of personal health insurance.
    • Have a laptop with operating system that allows for use of required technology in the PTA program.  Certain devices are not acceptable due to inability to use required technology (e.g., Chromebooks, tablets, etc. are NOT acceptable).  Please click on link for information about Sinclair's Computer Requirements.
    • Although most course content can be viewed and manipulated electronically, there may be PTA course forms for which you are required to make paper copies.  Please plan for these potential copying costs.
    • Purchase a student membership to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).
    • Have reliable transportation to accommodate travel for courses, including clinical education (rotations may occur up to 75 miles from available housing).
    • Complete two clinical education experiences (1 inpatient, 1 outpatient). Each clinical is 7 ½ weeks in length.
      • Clinicals are scheduled 40 hours per week during the last eight weeks of the third and fourth semesters of the program. Students are expected to work the same schedule as their clinical instructor.

Health Requirements

  • Health Sciences students may be required to meet health requirements, including immunizations and COVID 19 vaccination, to meet the conditions of health care facilities where students attend clinical courses, other requirements of their respective health care disciplines, or federal, state, or local government.
  • PTA Program students must complete the following:
    • Physical with health professional’s signature verifying student’s ability to perform Essential Functions of a PTA (PDF 1st Year) and Essential Functions of a PTA (PDF 2nd Year)
    • Immunizations, including but not limited to:
      • 2-Step Mantoux (or QuantiFERON Gold) or chest x-ray (1st and 2nd year)
      • MMR titer, demonstrating immunity, or appropriate boosters (1st year)
      • Up-to-date Td or TDap immunization (1st year and as needed based on expiration)
      • HepB vaccine
        • 1st step: Fall of 1st year
        • 2nd and 3rd steps: Prior to Fall of 2nd year
      • Varicella titer (1st year)
      • Other (e.g., COVID 19 vaccination, drug screen, etc.) 

PTA Program Estimated Costs

*All requirements are subject to change and all costs are approximate

  • Tuition Cost and Fee Schedule: Varies
  • Textbooks/supplies: $1500
  • Lab course fees: $540
  • Health requirements: Varies based on insurance and provider
  • Background check: $65
  • Other clinic-related costs (i.e. drug screen, additional records and/or background checks): Varies
  • Licensure exam and associated costs: $750
  • Jurisprudence exam: $50
  • Other (i.e. transportation, clinical attire, child/elder care): Varies
  • American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) membership: $90 

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