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Works On Paper Gallery

The Works on Paper Gallery is located on the 4th floor of Building 13 across from the Burnell R. Roberts Triangle Gallery. This gallery features artwork from local, national, or international artists. While called Works on Paper Gallery, other 2D art is often featured in this space.

Current Exhibition:

"Prima Facie" Portraits by Alexandra Franz
February 13–March 13, 2025

Artwork by Alexandra Franz
Alexandra Franz, “Atousa,” 2024, Oil on panel, 6 x 6 in.

Franz is exhibiting her series, “Prima Facie.” Her paintings, nearly all from direct life observation explore a variety of color palettes, compositions, and sizes. Fayum mummy portraits of Roman Egypt inspire her naturalistic works, and her titles, named from important figures of the past, empower the persona of the models depicted.

Past Exhibitions:

Erica Keener's Pastel Paintings
January 6–February 5, 2025

Artwork by Erica Keener
Erica Keener, "Incoming," 2018, Pastel on Paper, 20x30 in. 

Erica Keener is exhibiting a collection of paintings made from pastels. Looking to the ordinary and her everyday surroundings, Keener focuses on observing the extraordinary. Her works often feature the sky, landscapes, and other natural beauty, which she hopes the viewer will find a connection to something larger than themselves.

EVAC with Chris Mohler
November 8–December 14, 2024

Artwork by EVAC and Chris MohlerYuji Hiratsuka, "GSW," 2017, Intaglio, Chine Colle, 9.25 x 12 in., Veteran: Mitch, Vietnam War, Army (left)
Chris Mohler, “Pelican 7: Scioto River Landscape,” 2024, Preserved Steel, 20 x 28 x 10 in. (right)

Using storytelling and art, the EVAC Project (Experiencing Veterans & Artists Collaboration) bridges the gap between civilians and veterans by educating the public about life in the military. EVAC brings together over 60 veterans, their life stories, and artists to interpret said stories into visual art. As viewers read the veterans’ accounts, and view the accompanying artwork, EVAC hopes to promote both empathy and connection for the veterans.

Mohler is exhibiting a collection of contemporary steel sculptures. Each piece embodies a part of Mohler’s life journey and is inspired by a variety of subjects and ideas: current events, human existence, science, politics, injustices, personal joys, and/or sacrifices. However, Mohler prefers to keep those stories close and to give his viewers the freedom to explore the work and complete their meaning for themselves.

Cara Lee Wade, Alzheimer's Stories
September 17–October 26, 2024

Artwork by Cara Lee Wade
Cara Lee Wade, "Memory Without Language," Archival print from 4x5 negative, 2021, 24x18 in.

Alzheimer's Stories by Cara Lee Wade is an exploration of her grandmothers’ pasts after they were both diagnosed with Alzheimer’s within months of one another as well as Wade’s own history. Collected items and locations belonging to and inspired by her grandmothers are the heart of the work. Wade's along with her families' memories and old pictures inspire the narratives she creates in her photographs.

This exhibition is part of the 2024 FotoFocus Biennial: backstories. Now in its seventh iteration, the Biennial activates over 100 projects at museums, galleries, universities, and public spaces throughout Greater Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, and Northern Kentucky in October 2024.

The theme, backstories, focuses on stories that are not evident at first glance. They offer context for what happened previously or out of view, providing narratives not yet told or presented from a new perspective. Once told, they shed light on current circumstances and events.

2024 Fine Art Faculty Exhibition
August 12–September 13, 2024

Artwork by Mark Echtner
Mark Echtner, “The Midway,” 2023, Oil on Canvas, 40 x 30 in.

Sinclair Community College’s annual Fine Art Faculty Exhibition will usher in the beginning of the 2024/2025 academic year.

Each fall, the Burnell R. Roberts Triangle Gallery, the Works on Paper Gallery, as well as other spaces around Building 13 display work from the faculty and adjunct faculty of Sinclair’s Art Department.

The Burnell R. Roberts Triangle Gallery traditionally features one faculty member, and this year will exhibit works by Professor Mark Echtner. Echtner’s brightly colored paintings begin by using old paintings turned upside down or random shapes and colors that then inform his abstracted figures and the spaces they occupy. Narratives of daily social interactions and inclusive communities run through this body of work.

Keith Buswell, Shanna Fliegel, & Marcella Hackbardt
July 1–August 3, 2024

Artwork by Bertola, Mudd, & Nelson
Marcella Hackbardt, “Winter Garden,” 2022, Archival Pigment Print, 28 x 40 in. (top)
Keith Buswell, “Benson,” 2022, Etching, 24 x 15 in. (bottom left)
Shanna Fliegel, “To Radiate and Blur the Edges,” 2023, Ceramic, 13 x 13 x 1 in. (bottom right)

The Sinclair Community College Art Department is pleased to present work by Keith Buswell, Shanna Fliegel, and Marcella Hackbardt in the Burnell R. Roberts Triangle Gallery and Works on Paper Gallery.

That Which Connects Us… examines community and connection through the imagery of trees. Buswell utilizes trees found around his community of Lincoln, Nebraska, to encourage the viewer to consider how we are all connected through heritage, proximity, ideas, and desire to aid one another.

Our Proximity to the Gestalt is an inquiry of how the natural environment and built world shape and influence how humans navigate change and trauma. Fliegel prints and draws on clay with vibrant colors to ask the viewer to pay attention and be curious about where they feel safe, heal, and find interconnection.

Hackbardt’s photographic series, My Rooms, investigates the representation, temporality, meanings, and ambiguities of spaces. The series includes both "straight" staged images shot on-site, as well as constructed digital composites. Both evoke the constructed nature of identities, stories, histories, and memories.

Wayne Bertola, Jeremy Mudd, & Ardine Nelson
May 13–June 22, 2024

Artwork by Bertola, Mudd, & Nelson

Wayne Bertola’s found image and object collages may be regarded as a metaphor for the inevitable, yet unpredictable changes wrought by the passage of time. He invites his viewers to invent narratives that his collaged materials, various outmoded, ephemeral, and commonplace items, inspire.

Jeremy Mudd’s photographic series, “Light at the Edge” began during the pandemic and out of the curiosity of building narratives for others’ lives with only a small amount of observable information. The lonely suburban images were taken between 3am and 6am and this predawn hour invites the viewer to wonder at the light and inner life the structures hold.

Ardine Nelson’s “Transitory States” explores the life cycle of plants and greater questions regarding the aging process. Her interest in wabi-sabi or holding beauty in the imperfect and impermanent along with the passing of time results in documentation of flowers past their prime, isolated on a black background, which guides the viewer’s focus to her photographic subject.

2024 Sinclair Community College Graduating Fine Art Students' Portfolio Exhibition
April 13–May 2, 2024

Fine Art Students' Portfolio Exhibition

The Sinclair Community College Art Department is pleased to present works by the 2024 graduating class.

From April 13 through May 2 the Burnell R. Roberts Triangle Gallery and other galleries in Building 13 will exhibit artwork by students graduating from Sinclair with an Associate of Arts, Art degree. The graduates are in charge of both selecting works from their portfolios to exhibit as well as installing the show.

Exhibiting artists include Donald Adams, Aryam Albalawi, Katie Bowlby, Katelyn M. Brunett, Paul C. Bullock, Haley Dillinger, Jamie Doty, Isabella Frederick, Matthew Goins, John Graham, Bonni V. Hobbs, Kierra L?w, JulieAnne Moreland, Eric Otis, Joey J. Petitt, Cassidy Platt, Rebecca Schultz, Alex Snow, Cole Taylor, Michael Teegarden, Cienna Wallace, and Madeline Walls.

2024 Fine Art Student Juried Exhibition
March 19–April 9, 2024

Artwork by Alex Snow

The 2024 Fine Art Student Juried Exhibition is comprised of student work created for fine art classes at Sinclair Community College within the past year. The exhibition’s juror, Cynthia Hayes, will select pieces for the exhibition as well as award best in show, second, and third place.

Students may choose to list their artwork for sale either to the public and/or to be sold to Sinclair Community College as Student Purchase Awards. The Purchase Award winners are committee selected and will be added to Sinclair’s art collection. Over 130 Student Purchase Awards are located throughout Sinclair’s Dayton and Centerville campuses. This program is made possible thanks to the generosity of Burnell R. Roberts and the Mauch Endowment Fund.

Michele BonDurant and Kathy A. Moore
February 7–March 1
, 2024

Artwork by BonDurant and Moore

BonDurant’s cut, painted paper collages explore landscape with a delicate balance between the real and the imaginative. Her objective is to draw in viewers while having them consider the connections in the work. Utilizing both observation and invention, her spare, calculated style expresses contentment in the ordinary and interest in heightened drama using color, pattern, and shadow.Moore’s drawings and paintings place the viewer within her immediate visual perspective. Setting up multiple still lives in her studio, Moore paints and draws directly from life using the sight measuring method. Focusing on how planes shift as her eyes move around the still life, Moore carefully studies light and shadow, giving her works a luminous, quiet, and intimate order.

A House, A Home by Bree Lamb
January 3–30
, 2024

Image by Bree Lamb

Bree Lamb’s photography series, A House, A Home, utilizes lighting patterns and color relationships commonly associated with commercial imagery. The works are engaging and playful, even humorous in their familiarity, but upon further discretion they highlight layers of improvidence embedded in our consumer systems.

Shadowbox Project by Heather Harvey
November 8–December 16
, 2023

"In Control 5" by Katrina Majkut

Heather Harvey’s Shadowbox Project is a playful exhibition exploring the fluidity and unreliability of memory. The paintings explore a half-remembered shadowbox-like object made by a childhood friend. Through various attempts to nail down specific details, Harvey explores the impossibility of accurate recollection along with the tension of opposing states of being.

In Control by Katrina Majkut
September 21-October 25, 2023

"In Control 5" by Katrina Majkut

Katrina Majkut’s series, In Control, rejects the stereotypical domestic functionality of samplers. Her stitched still lifes focus on products related to women’s health, the body, and family planning. The commercial packaging pictured is often in contrast to their subjective, weighted political underpinnings.

2023 Fine Art Faculty Exhibition, Featuring Professor Kelly Joslin, Ph.D.
August 14-September 12, 2023

"Anamnesis" by Kelly Joslin, Ph.D.

Sinclair Community College’s annual Fine Art Faculty Exhibition will usher in the beginning of the 2023/2024 academic year.

Each fall, the Burnell R. Roberts Triangle Gallery, the Works on Paper Gallery, as well as other spaces around Building 13 display work from the faculty and adjunct faculty of Sinclair’s Art Department.

The Burnell R. Roberts Triangle Gallery traditionally features one faculty member, and this year will exhibit Self-Portrait: Memory & Reflection by Professor Kelly Joslin, Ph.D. Collage and mixed media explore memory and how time fades, distorts, and reawakens memories. Through self-portraiture Dr. Joslin explores the temporal aspects of her physicality and compares past self portraits with later and current ones through a combination of abstract compositions and straightforward images.

Daniel George & Raluca Iancu
June 22-August 5, 2023

Images by George and Iancu

Trigger Trash is a photographic series where George collects and documents found items on federally owned public lands in Idaho where it’s legal to recreationally shoot but unlawful to leave any debris. His work seeks to understand how these targets characterize individuals, relate an attitude of rebelliousness that aligns with a mythologized view of the American West, and represent a culture of violence inexorably linked to firearm use.

Iancu’s Roadside Attractions explores disaster, memory, and vulnerability through a wide variety of media. Questioning the ways our society looks at catastrophes and how we deal with the aftermath, Iancu considers technology, the media, and our separation from events as we consume tragedy through our screens or windshields.

Lauren Scavo-Fulk
May 15-June 14, 2023

Overgrown Bridge by Lauren Scavo-Fulk

Scavo-Fulk creates intimate landscapes that often break out of a delimited rectangle, while wide borders on the drawings invite the viewer to consider the single, experiential moment represented. In her work, she seeks to depict the contrast between the objective depiction of nature and the subjective human element that is always present in the interpretation of one’s surroundings.

2023 Sinclair Community College Graduating Fine Art Students' Portfolio Exhibition
April 17-May 6, 2023

2023 Graduating Show Logo

The Sinclair Community College Art Department is pleased to present the works by the 2023 graduating class.

From April 17 through May 6 the Burnell R. Roberts Triangle Gallery and the Works on Paper gallery will exhibit artwork by students graduating from Sinclair with an Associate of Arts degree. The graduates are in charge of both selecting works from their portfolios to exhibit as well as installing the show.

Exhibiting artists include Natalie Blair, Ella Catron, Megan Courtaway, Ellana Davis, Symone Dozier, Alexis Favors, Ava Forrest, Tanya Groff, Taylor Hurte, Madalyn Jones, Kayla Robinson, Elizabeth Rogers, Rachel Schlager, Emily von Stuckrad-Smolinski, Melissa Warf, Kirsten Whitaker, and Lauren Gray Wyland.

2023 Fine Art Student Juried Exhibition
March 21-April 11, 2023

Artwork by Sinclair Best of Show Winners
Image Credits: 2020 Best In Show: Whitney Weydert, "Morgan," Charcoal Drawing (Left)
2021 Best in Show: Yvette Sellers, "Lydia," Clay Sculpture (Top Right)
2022 Best in Show: JulieAnne Moreland, "Pareidolia," Graphite Drawing (Bottom Right)

The 2023 Fine Art Student Juried Exhibition is comprised of student work created for fine art classes at Sinclair Community College within the past year. The exhibition’s juror is Katherine Siegwarth, Executive Director of FotoFocus, a Cincinnati nonprofit dedicated to championing photography and lens-based art. Siegwarth will select pieces for the exhibition as well as award best of show, second, and third place.

Students may choose to list their artwork for sale either to the public and/or to be sold to Sinclair Community College as Student Purchase Awards. The Purchase Award winners are committee selected and will be added to Sinclair’s art collection. Over 130 Student Purchase Awards are located throughout Sinclair’s Dayton and Centerville campuses. This program is made possible thanks to the generosity of Burnell R. Roberts and the Mauch Endowment Fund.

Christine D'Epiro Abbott
February 1-25, 2023

Printmaking Collage by Abbott
Christine D'Epiro Abbott "Jacob's Ladder 5/13"

Abbott is presenting her series, Jacob’s Ladder, which features abstracted interiors utilizing Mixed Media Collage. Inviting the viewer to enter the busy domain of a family home, the images produced are a result from direct observation and speak to the relationship between motherhood, busyness, and order/disorder.

Street Story Montages by Stephen Marc
January 3 - 24, 2023

Photo by Stephen Marc
Stephen Marc "Phoenix-Moral Monday Rally & March"

Street Story Montages by Marc, a documentary photographer, is a series that explores American identity and sense of place. He captures public gatherings where American character is revealed and has created a series of montages from digitally stitched panoramas and photographs. The result is a view into American culture which is complex, socially charged, historically layered, and in constant flux.

Seeking Inherent Value by Maureen O'Keefe
November 3 - December 10, 2022

Drinker by Maureen O'Keefe
Maureen O'Keefe "Drinker"

Seeking Inherent Value by O’Keefe is a series of painted portraits based in blind contour drawings. These works, accented in gold, are a meditation on the value a person holds and how societies often tie value to productivity in one way or another, thus leaving the inherent value of a person in question. 

Modern Punchinello by Brian Fencl
September 20 - October 19, 2022

Art by Brian Fencl
Brian Fencl "Power Over the Beasts"

Fencl will be exhibiting a series entitled “The Modern Punchinello” in the Works on Paper Gallery through October 19. These pieces feature his “trickster transformers” who embody Fencl’s observations and explorations of human vulnerabilities. Rooted in pop surrealist philosophies, his work is informed by everyday life, dreams, and an understanding of history.

The Fine Art Faculty Exhibit
August 15 - September 13, 2022

The Fine Art Faculty Exhibit in the WoP Gallery
Works by Sinclair's Fine Art Faculty and Adjunct Faculty

Find more information on the Burnell R. Roberts Triangle Gallery Page.

Selected Student Purchase Awards
July 5 - August 6, 2022

The Sinclair Art Department is pleased to present Student Purchase Award artwork in the Burnell R. Roberts Triangle Gallery and the Works on Paper Gallery.

Thanks to the generosity of Burnell R. Roberts, the Mauch Endowment Fund, as well as a small variety of other donors throughout the years, Sinclair has been able to purchase and display throughout Sinclair’s Dayton and Centerville,  campuses over 130 pieces of student artwork. Each spring any student who has taken an art class at Sinclair within the last twelve months is eligible and encouraged to submit work created for their classes to the Juried Fine Art Students’ Exhibition. During the exhibition, new works of art are selected as purchase awards. These works of art are acquired and added to the college's art collection.

A twenty-six-piece selection will be on view from Tuesday, July 5, 2022 through Saturday, August 6, 2022. Both galleries are located on the 4th floor of Building 13 (located at Fifth and Perry Streets). The galleries are free and open to the public from 8am–6pm Monday–Friday. To view all of Sinclair’s Student Purchase Awards along with their current location around Sinclair’s campuses, visit

The artists included in the exhibition are Rachel Andrews. Kelly Bledsoe, Toni Burton, Amanda Campbell, Andrew Deel, Clarissa Dickey, Holly Gillenwater, Matthew Goins, Aubrey Hacket, Rachel Hall. Katherine Harris, Joy Helton, Eishichi Iramina, Catherine Marrs, Diana May Rice, Taylor Mitchell, Don Pesce, William Rigg, Desty L. Sacksteder, Debbie Serrer, Luke Shipp, Bryson Smith, Megan Turner, Irene Ward, Hannah Williams, and Stephen Wisebaker.

"Untitled Torso" by Matthew Goins
Matthew Goins "Untitled Torso"