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Strategy and Innovation Lab

The Strategy and Innovation team executes the division's strategic priorities and vision while facilitating innovative projects rooted in best practices of media design and technology-empowered learning. Two key operational spaces - The Innovation Lab and Learning Technology Media and Production Studio - support and position Sinclair as a leader in these areas.

eLearning Strategy

With the scale of elearning at Sinclair, the Division embodies its mission and values through intentionally developed strategies to grow and scale advanced technology, curriculum, media, and support of faculty and students. 

The work of the team involves planning, management, and execution of projects in three interrelated areas:

  1. Internal process improvements, cultural shifts, and knowledge-building.
  2. Campus-level efforts, planning, and growth of eLearning options and initiatives for students in all programs.
  3. External partnerships, community needs, networks, and recognition within the greater field.

Innovation Lab

The Innovation Lab is the hub for technology-empowered learning, discovery, research and development of new ways to teach and learn. Our collaborative space allows Sinclair to level up the college's capacity to stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of digital education opportunities for students.

Krissy Mayes
Manager of Innovation Lab
Krissy Mayes

Learning Technology Media and Production Studio

Staff of the Learning Technology Media and Production Studio teams with faculty to design, develop, and deliver professional engaging learner-centered media for all modalities of course delivery, as well as consult with and train faculty in self-development of instructional media.

Greg Deye
Manager of Learning Technology Media and Production Studio
Greg Deye, M. Ed

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headshot of Chris Prokes

Chris Prokes, E.d.D.
Program Director, Strategy and Innovation
Building 7, Room 210
Division Organizational Chart