Located in Building 8, the Physical Activities Center (PAC) is one of the finest facilities at any community or junior college in the nation. The PAC facilities include:
There are also fully equipped men's and women's locker facilities with amenities.
For further information, email us at PAC Information.
The Physical Activity Center reopens August 26th for Fall Term Non-Credit Classes. Open Hours will start on September 3rd. Refer to the Open Hours web page.
Non-credit PED Activity classes are now available. All you need to do is select the class or classes that you would enjoy and register. All classes begin the week of August 26th. Please refer to the Schedule Planner website: regportal.sinclair.edu for a complete listing of Non-Credit (6000 Series) PED classes.
Please remember that your Tartan Card will be used to gain access to the locker rooms and other areas of the PAC. Locker Rooms for Summer Semester will be not staffed. You will need to supply your own lock and towel. Lockers can be utilized while you are in class. However, you can NOT keep anything in a locker overnight.
You may pick up personal items from the locker rooms by scheduling an appointment via PAC Email .
Please keep checking back for updated information.
Open Hours for Fall Semester start September 3rd. Hours will be posted online during the first week of classes.
The PAC membership sales have resumed under the following process:
Online Payment Using Credit Cards - Students, faculty and staff will be able to pay for PAC Memberships and Class Passes by VISA or MasterCard Credit or Debit through the Bursar's Non Tuition Payments website.
After the student, faculty, or staff has paid for their membership or class pass, they will bring their receipt to the Equipment Room and complete an Assumption of Risk Form and the PAC Enrollment Form. We will process it as normal.
The Equipment Room (Building 8, Room 017) will have 2 Chromebook laptops that students, faculty and staff can use to purchase their memberships online thru the Bursar Web Site.
Anyone using a laptop in the Equipment Room to do an online purchase, can show us the confirmation screen as their receipt.
We are currently fully staffed and do NOT have openings for student workers at this time.
Student Assistants are employed to work in various areas of the Physical Activity Center and are under the supervision of the staff member assigned to that area. Areas include: Equipment Room, Fieldhouse, Locker Rooms, Weight Room, PAC Office, and Special Events. Duties include issuing equipment, laundry, monitoring area, set up for classes, athletic contests and special events.
Contact us for further information on PAC Jobs or at 937-512-2968
Please contact the PAC Office if we can be of additional assistance.
937-512-2730 or Email: PAC Info