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Mason Academic and Student Support

Sinclair in Mason is here to support you through enrolling to graduating! Find below academic support services available at the Mason location. Also available are all Sinclair services available at the Dayton Campus location. Student and Academic Support Services is located in in Building A, Room A121.

Academic Advising

Academic Advising at Sinclair in Mason is normally by appointment, with walk-in registration assistance available at certain times. Both face-to-face and virtual appointments are available at the Mason campus.

To schedule an appointment, please call 513-339-1212 or stop by the front desk in Building A.

Current students can use the online scheduling tool to set an appointment with an advisor. Prospective or New students should call 513-339-1212, extension 5500.

If you have a quick advising question, you can email an advisor at We will try our best to respond within 24 hours.

General Academic Advising information and policies can be found on Sinclair’s main Academic Advising webpage.


In a continuing effort to make college more affordable for students, Sinclair Community College has contracted with eCampus, a national leader in textbook sales and distribution, to be the online provider of textbooks.

To purchase textbooks, go to the student portal and select "My Booklist" in the second page of the carousel.   Students can designate delivery to the Mason campus and then pick up textbooks in the campus lockers.  

Accessibility Services

Appropriate accommodations are available for those with documented needs. 

Contact Academic Support Counselor, Morgan Rogers, 937-512-5530 for assistance at the Mason campus.  Her office is located in Bldg. A, Room 111B.   For more information on available services, visit the Accessibility Services webpage.


Testing Center

Proctored testing is available for any Sinclair traditional or online class. Please be sure to bring photo ID to check in at the Student Services desk.

Testing is currently by appointment only.  

The Testing Center is located in Building A, Room 103.   

Testing Hours  Monday/ Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 
  Tuesday/Thursday, 2:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 
  Friday,  9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


Testing center policies are available at Sinclair’s main Testing Center webpage.


Sinclair offers an extensive selection of free Online E-tutoring.  See the Tutoring and Learning Center webpage for more information on all available tutoring services to Sinclair students.  On-campus tutoring may be available for some subjects.