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Cyber Investigation Technology CYIT.S.AAS

Associate of Applied Science - 61 Credit Hours

Division: Business and Public Services
Department: Information Technology
Effective as of Fall 2018

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What is the program about?

The Cyber Investigation Technology degree will prepare students for careers in the areas of computer network protection, managing networks and operating systems, and IT criminal investigation, which includes evidence procedures and computer forensics. The degree incorporates preparation for industry-recognized certifications, articulated credit for Law Enforcement and Corrections entities, and transfer students for four-year degree transfer opportunities. This degree program contains one or more embedded certificates which will be automatically awarded when the certificate requirements are completed. If you do not want to receive the embedded certificate(s), please notify Registration and Student Records at

Program Outcomes

  • Demonstrate the manner of evidence collection consistent with standard criminal justice chain of evidence procedures to maximize prosecutorial effectiveness while minimizing legal defense challenges and legal liabilities.
  • Display professional oral and written communication skills and collaborate with a team to deliver and implement a project plan in the business and criminal justice environment to address cyber security problems.
  • Diagnose and prescribe solutions to hardware, networks and operating systems problems.
  • Develop programs, databases and business techniques to identify and/or resolve cyber crimes, including the development of plans for incident analysis and avoidance.
  • Demonstrate creative and critical thinking skills in the analysis of digital crimes and cyber security issues, problem solving strategies, research, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, assessment, adaption and application of computer forensic techniques.
  • Apply programming, database, operating systems and business skills to solve and troubleshoot business and information technology problems.
  • Demonstrate the process to find and recover data artifacts present, deleted or hidden to preserve the verifiable integrity of digital evidence.

Career Opportunities

Job titles include but are not limited to: Intelligence Analyst, IT Specialist (Government Breakout Codes 2210), Systems Administrator, Network Engineer, Information System Security Manager, Cyber Security Incident Response Specialist and Private Investigator.


Course Title Credits
Ohio Transfer 36: Arts & Humanities Elective 3
CIS 1107 Introduction to Operating Systems 3
CIS 1111 Introduction to Problem Solving & Computer Programming 3
CIS 1130 Network Fundamentals 3
CIS 2165 Database Management 3
CIS 2510 Microsoft Windows Server Operating System 3
CIS 2550 Linux Operating System 3
CIS 2630 Securing a Windows Network Environment 3
CIS 2640 Network Security 3
CIS 2731 A+ Hardware & Software 4
CIS 2808 Introduction to Computer Forensics 3
CJS 1103 Constitutional Law & Evidentiary Procedures 3
CJS 2111 Ethics & Professionalism in Criminal Justice 3
CJS 2209 Computer Crime 3
CJS 2295 Criminal Justice Science Seminar 3
COM 2225 Small Group Communication 3
ECO 2160 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
ENG 1101 English Composition I 3
MAN 2150 Management & Organizational Behavior 3
MAT 1120 (Business Mathematics) OR Ohio Transfer 36: Mathematics Elective 3
- View the Master Syllabus - View the Course Schedule
This information is for planning purposes only. Sinclair College will make every effort to offer curriculum listed above but reserves the right to change, add and cancel curriculum offerings for unforeseen circumstances.