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Interviewing Tips

Many people become anxious when they have an upcoming interview. Read over these tips to become more prepared and feel more confident.

  1. Spend some time researching the company before the interview. They may ask you a question about what you know about the company.
  2. Practice common interviewing questions, including behavioral and situational questions. Make an appointment to do a mock interview with Student and Community Engagement to get feedback on your interviewing skills.
  3. Arrive at least 10 minutes early and bring additional résumés, a pen and paper, etc.
  4. Dress appropriately for the interview. Clothing should be clean and conservative. It is suggested, but not required, that a shirt and tie be worn at a minimum.
  5. Be friendly to everyone you meet.
  6. Be confident. Greet the employer with a strong handshake, look the interviewers in the eye, maintain good posture, and smile.
  7. Maintain an enthusiastic and positive attitude. You do not want to come across as stiff and hard to relate to. Use your energy and enthusiasm as a new graduate to your advantage.
  8. Do not talk negatively about your past employer or colleagues.
  9. Do not slouch. Sit up straight and do not cross your arms.
  10. Keep your answers to between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. Provide the employer with specific examples of what you have done and how they are transferable to the position in which you are applying.
  11. Always ask the employer questions at the end of the interview.  Do not ask about salary or benefits.
  12. Write a thank you note to each person with whom you interviewed within 48 hours of the interview.
  13. Follow up with the employer if you have not heard from them in the time frame that they gave you. However, do not bother the employer unnecessarily.