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2023 - 2024 Catalog Year
Data Fundamentals (Part-time)

Degree: Short-term Technical Certificate
Division: Business and Public Services

This Sample Program Pathway is designed to provide an example of course selections in a term by term sequence. Please see an Academic Advisor for a plan specific to your academic needs.

Fall Semester (First Year)

Description: Introduction to problem-solving techniques used in programming. Students learn to use tools such as flowcharts and pseudocode to plan solutions. Using the C++ programming language, students will design, code, and test programs using sequence, selection, iteration, functions, and arrays.

Prerequisites: MAT 0200 or MAT 1120

Description: Introduction to database management systems. Discussion of database environments, design, planning, implementation and administration in a relational model environment. Students will design and develop a simple database and implement a portion of this application including forms, queries and reports. Emphasis on database design techniques, normalization and the SQL database language.

Prerequisites: MAT 0200 or MAT 1120


Term hours subtotal:


Spring Semester (First Year)

Description: This course introduces students to analyzing data using Python. The basics of Python will be taught. Students will learn how to obtain, cleanse and prepare data for analysis. Data analytic and statistical tools will be used to visualize data, predict outcomes and categorize data.

Prerequisites: MAT 0200

Description: Introduction to database management system in a client/server environment. The course covers Structured Query Language (SQL) and development and administrative tools. Students are taught to create and maintain database objects and to store, retrieve and manipulate data, and create blocks of application code that can be shared by multiple forms, reports, and data management applications.

Prerequisites: CIS 2165


Term hours subtotal:


Summer Semester (First Year)

Description: Statistical techniques and methodology. Graphical and tabular presentation of data, probability, parameters, statistical distributions, sampling, confidence intervals, tests of hypotheses, regression, and correlation. Three classroom, two lab hours per week. Traditional testing (proctored or in Testing Center) is used in all online sections.

Prerequisites: MAT 0300 and Other (with a grade of C or better or satisfactory score on math placement test)


Term hours subtotal:


Fall Semester (Second Year)

Description: This course will introduce students to the field of data preparation and visualization including design and hands-on experience with Tableau. Students will learn how to collect, transform, curate, and analyze datasets. The course will introduce students to design and build principles for telling stories for effective communications to facilitate data-driven decision-making, provide insights, and help speed up organizations that are data rich and information poor.

Prerequisites: MAT 0200 or MAT 1120


Term hours subtotal:


Spring Semester (Second Year)

Description: An introduction to business intelligence, data analysis, data warehousing, data mining theory and tools, and how to structure the data and prepare reports in a way that is meaningful to business users. Emphasis is placed upon understanding business intelligence techniques to construct and use business intelligence solutions for decision support.

Prerequisites: MAT 1450 or MAT 2170 and CIS 2165


Term hours subtotal:


This information is for planning purposes only. Sinclair College will make every effort to offer curriculum listed above but reserves the right to change, add and cancel curriculum offerings for unforeseen circumstances. View current catalog.