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SOC 1108 Appalachian Families

A critical and analytical examination of the Appalachian experience from the 1700s through the present day with emphasis on the Appalachian family (both rural and urban) as a varied and complex social system, including an examination of the diverse populations within the Appalachian region.

Division: Liberal Arts, Communication and Social Sciences
Department: Sociology
Repeatable Credit: No
Offered Online: No

Prereqs: NONE  


  • Examine the impact of cultural identity, cultural assumptions, and cultural hegemony on the Appalachian family.
  • Analyze how the structures and processes of race, class, gender, and place have been experienced and shaped by Appalachian families.
  • Discuss the values and norms of the Appalachian culture and family.
  • Analyze the Appalachian family by applying the "social systems" approach.

Credit Hours: 3

Classroom Hours: 3