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2023 - 2024 Catalog Year
Surgical Technology (Full-time)

Degree: Associate of Applied Science
Division: Health Sciences

Health Sciences degree programs consist of open enrollment courses (general education and division specific) and program specific courses with limited enrollment. The open enrollment courses may be taken prior to entry into the limited enrollment courses. The limited enrollment courses are offered during the technical portion of the program that includes clinical, practicum, or professional practice experience. The technical section of a program has restrictions on the number of students that may start the limited enrollment courses each term (or year), based on space availability and accreditor guidelines, for example, objective quantitative factors. As a result of this limited class size, there may be a waiting period between completion of the prerequisites and other program requirements for entry into the limited enrollment courses, and the start of those courses. Some programs have instituted a competitive selection process for entry to the limited enrollment/restricted courses. To qualify for entry to limited enrollment courses, please see the Applicant Information packet found on the Health Sciences webpage:

This Sample Program Pathway is designed to provide an example of course selections in a term by term sequence. Please see an Academic Advisor for a plan specific to your academic needs.

Program Prerequisites

Description: Orientation to the health care delivery system, including history, economics, medical/legal issues, professionalism, ethics, sociological aspects and wellness concepts. Orientation to the use of technology in the health care system will also be provided, including user interfaces, telecommunications and networks. The development of health care team skills, including critical thinking and problem-solving strategies and multicultural health care perspectives, will be presented. One classroom, three lab hours per week.

Description: The first course in a two-semester sequence studying the structure and function of the human body. Topics include introductory terminology, biochemistry, cytology, the integumentary system, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the nervous system and the endocrine system. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.

Prerequisites: MAT 0050 or MAT 1120 or MAT 1130

Description: In English Composition I students learn reflective, analytical and argumentative writing strategies, incorporating sources and personal experience. Students will negotiate between public and private rhetorical situations and purposes to achieve academic literacy. They will write multiple drafts using a recursive writing process as they work toward fluency in style and mechanics.

Prerequisites: DEV 0035 or Other (Placement Test Score)

Description: Basic prefixes, roots and suffixes; terminology including anatomic, diagnostic, symptomatic, procedural, eponymic terms and standard abbreviations required for a working knowledge and understanding of the language of medicine.

Prerequisites: DEV 0035

Description: Solve health science applications; convert within and between metric, household and apothecary systems; read and interpret health science labels and graphs; calculate and apply statistical concepts; solve problems involving parenteral, pediatric and/or intravenous administration and dosage calculations. Traditional testing (proctored or in Testing Center) is used in all online sections.

Prerequisites: MAT 0050 or Other (Satisfactory score on math placement test)


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Program Prerequisites
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Description: Discusses the framework and environment for the practice of Surgical Technology. Focuses on safety through the impact of sterile technique and sterilization practices, patient care, anesthesia, 'all hazards', and introduces the use of therapeutic communication, professionalism, group process, and critical thinking.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Spring only.

Prerequisites: ALH 1101 and BIO 1211 or BIO 1141 and ENG 1101 and HIM 1101 and MAT 1130 and Restricted to Majors

Corequisites: SUT 1117

Description: Beginning competencies in aseptic technique, surgical hand preparation, gowning and gloving techniques, patient positioning, patient skin preparation, patient draping, preoperative patient care techniques to include chart review, vital signs, and intraoperative surgical case management. Three lab hours per week.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Spring only.

Prerequisites: ALH 1101 and BIO 1211 and ENG 1101 and HIM 1110 and MAT 1130 and Restricted to Majors

Corequisites: SUT 1110

Description: The second course in a two-semester sequence studying the structure and function of the human body. Topics include the cardiovascular system, the lymphoid system, immunity, the digestive system, the urinary system and the reproductive system. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.

Prerequisites: BIO 1121

Description: Morphology and physiology of microorganisms and selected human parasites, mechanisms of disease production, host responses, spread of infectious diseases. Three classroom, three lab hours per week.

Prerequisites: BIO 1107 or BIO 1111 or BIO 1141 or BIO 1121 or BIO 1171 or Other (LPN Diploma)

Corequisites: BIO 2206

Description: Students carry out aseptic techniques; simple and special staining procedures; methods utilized for culturing, isolation and identification of bacteria (known and unknown); molecular genetic and immunological methods dealing with microbes. Also, exercises involving eukaryotic microbes (fungi, protozoa and helminths) are conducted.

Corequisites: BIO 2205


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Program Prerequisites
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Description: Advances the framework and environment for the practice of Surgical Technology. Focuses on wound healing and management, surgical approaches, and advanced specialty equipment and supplies.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Summer only.

Prerequisites: BIO 1222 or BIO 1242 and BIO 2205 and SUT 1110 and SUT 1117 and Restricted to Majors

Corequisites: SUT 1127

Description: Advances the techniques for preparing the patient, operating room, instruments, supplies, and the equipment to be used during a surgical procedure. Applies these techniques to basic abdominal surgeries. Thirteen lab hours per week.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Summer only.

Prerequisites: BIO 1222 and BIO 2205 and SUT 1110 and SUT 1117 and Restricted to Majors

Description: Discusses specific surgical procedures of the gastrointestinal and biliary systems.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Summer only.

Prerequisites: and Restricted to Majors

Corequisites: SUT 2117

Description: Implements the surgical process in the operating room for general surgery procedures. Thirteen directed practice hours per week.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Summer only.

Prerequisites: SUT 1120 and SUT 1127 and Restricted to Majors

Description: Overview of the conventional drug classes presenting only the more commonly prescribed preparations primarily emphasizing common effects and indications for use.

Prerequisites: BIO 1107 or BIO 1121 or BIO 1141


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Fall Semester (First Year)
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Discusses OB-GYN, genitourinary, ophthalmic, ear/nose/throat, head and neck, oral, plastic, vascular and neuro surgical procedures. Explains the role of the scrub technologist when intraoperative emergencies occur.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Fall only.

Prerequisites: SUT 2110 and SUT 2117 and ALH 2201 and Restricted to Majors

Corequisites: SUT 2127

Description: Implements the surgical process in the operating room for OB-GYN, Genitourinary, Eye-Ear-Nose-Throat, Ophthalmology, Plastics, Vascular and Neuro surgical procedures. Eighteen directed practice hours per week.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Fall only.

Prerequisites: SUT 2110 and SUT 2117 and ALH 2201 and Restricted to Majors

Corequisites: SUT 2120

Description: University-parallel course covering history and systems of psychology, behavioral research methods, physiology of behavior, sensation, perception, learning, memory, consciousness, cognition, personality, lifespan development, gender, social psychology, motivation, emotion, stress, mental disorders and therapies.

Prerequisites: DEV 0035


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Spring Semester (First Year)
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Description: Emphasizes a common systematic approach to all surgeries and focuses on role transition to beginning Surgical Technologist. Discusses specific orthopedic, cardiothoracic, trauma and pediatric procedures. Examines immediate postanesthesia care. Discusses the Surgical Technologist's role on specialty teams, as a second circulator, in ambulatory surgery centers, and in pediatrics. 18 clinical hours per week.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Spring only.

Prerequisites: SUT 2120 and SUT 2127 and PSY 1100 and Restricted to Majors

Corequisites: SUT 2207

Description: Implements the surgical process in the operating room for orthopedic, thoracic, open heart, trauma, pediatrics. Implements the role transition to beginning Surgical Technology practitioner. Eighteen directed practice hours per week.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Spring only.

Prerequisites: SUT 2120 and SUT 2127 and PSY 1100 and Restricted to Majors

Corequisites: SUT 2200

Description: This course will offer the Surgical Technology major the opportunity to review all program content in preparation for the national certification exam. Provides systematic review of all course material with related exams similar in design to the Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) Exam.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Spring only.

Prerequisites: SUT 2120 and SUT 2127 and Restricted to Majors

Description: Exploration of the development, maintenance and termination of interpersonal relationships. The focus is on effective verbal and nonverbal interactions between two people, highlighting methods of initiating and maintaining effective communication with, and understanding of, others through learning and applying interpersonal communication theory.

Notes: Communication Elective: Choose from COM 2206, COM 2211

Prerequisites: DEV 0035 or Other (Any other college level English course)


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This information is for planning purposes only. Sinclair College will make every effort to offer curriculum listed above but reserves the right to change, add and cancel curriculum offerings for unforeseen circumstances. View current catalog.