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2023 - 2024 Catalog Year
Sport and Recreation Education (Full-time)

Degree: Associate of Arts
Division: Business and Public Services

This Sample Program Pathway is designed to provide an example of course selections in a term by term sequence. Please see an Academic Advisor for a plan specific to your academic needs.

Fall Semester (First Year)
Elective course signified by

Description: Historical, sociological and business foundations of sport, including an emphasis on professional opportunities, application of sports management and organizational concepts.

Description: In English Composition I students learn reflective, analytical and argumentative writing strategies, incorporating sources and personal experience. Students will negotiate between public and private rhetorical situations and purposes to achieve academic literacy. They will write multiple drafts using a recursive writing process as they work toward fluency in style and mechanics.

Prerequisites: DEV 0035 or Other (Placement Test Score)

Description: The course will explore various applications of mathematics in the social, finance, health and environmental fields with emphasis on developing informational, technological, logical, and visual reasoning skills. Topics from numeracy, probability and statistics, finance, mathematical modeling with linear, statistical, and exponential functions, and other areas of mathematics will be covered. Note: Students who have not completed the required pre-requisite courses listed, but have successfully completed MAT 0100 with a grade of "C" or better, or MAT 0600 with a grade of "P", can register for MAT 1445 together with the co-requisite course MAT 0445, Quantitative Reasoning Booster. Traditional testing (proctored or in Testing Center) is used in all online sections.

Notes: Program elective. Choose from one of the following courses: MAT 1445, 1450, 1460, 1470, 1510, 1520, 1570, 1580, MAT 2160, 2170, 2180, 2240, 2270, 2280, 2310, 2320, MAT 2330, 2570, or PHI 2208

Prerequisites: MAT 0200 and Other (With a grade of C or better or satisfactory score on math placement test)

Description: University-parallel course covering history and systems of psychology, behavioral research methods, physiology of behavior, sensation, perception, learning, memory, consciousness, cognition, personality, lifespan development, gender, social psychology, motivation, emotion, stress, mental disorders and therapies.

Prerequisites: DEV 0035

Description: This course provides an overview of the concepts of physical fitness, conditioning principles and appropriate exercise and health practices with application to lifelong fitness and wellness. Course includes lecture and physical fitness testing.

Prerequisites: DEV 0035 or MAT 0600 and MAT 0100 or MAT 1110 or MAT 1130 or MAT 1445

Notes: Any Arts and Humanities elective from the approved Ohio Transfer 36 List. View electives at: May not be another HIS class to meet two discipline requirement for Ohio Transfer 36.


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Spring Semester (First Year)
Important message signified by
Elective course signified by

Description: The American Heart Association (AHA) Heartsaver First Aid with Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Automated or Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) course is designed for the individuals who are not working or planning to work within a healthcare environment. The course provides students with training in basic first aid procedures, including the first aid skills recommended by OSHA, CPR and AED. Students who complete the course qualify for the AHA Heartsaver First Aid with CPR and AED course completion card.

Description: This course provides organizational techniques, administrative procedures and principles of managing health promotion, fitness and sport programs, including facility design and operational standards and guidelines.

Notes: Spring Only

Prerequisites: Restricted to Majors

Description: English Composition II, building on the skills in English Composition I, develops rhetorical literacy through research, critical reading and multigenre writing tasks. Through major and minor, cumulative and stand-alone assignments, students construct arguments and analyses, ethically incorporating academic sources while developing their own voices as writers and citizens.

Prerequisites: ENG 1101

Description: Major trends in the development of Western culture, emphasizing political, economic, social and cultural achievements, from prehistory to the seventeenth century.

Description: American political system at the national level, including process of government; democratic theory and development of the U. S. Constitution; citizen participation through voting; interest groups and political parties; structure, functions and powers of legislative, executive and judicial branches; issues of civil liberties and equal rights.

Notes: Any Social & Behavioral Science elective from the approved Ohio Transfer 36 List. View electives at: May not be another PSY class to meet two discipline requirement for Ohio Transfer 36.

Description: Surface processes of wind, water and ice in changing Earth's surface, plate tectonics; interior forces that cause earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain building. Introduction to natural resources; impact of natural hazards on human populations; and impact of human activities in the natural world. Laboratory component stresses introduction to and use of basic scientific method and problem solving. Three classroom, two lab hours per week.

Corequisites: GLG 1111

Description: Identification of minerals, sediments and rocks; interpretation of topographic maps and geologic maps. This is a face-to-face laboratory and must be taken concurrently with Physical Geology.

Corequisites: GLG 1101


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Summer Semester (First Year)
Elective course signified by

Description: The American business system and basic principles of the free market system. Includes introduction of business concepts, entrepreneurship, management, marketing, economics, accounting and other important business principles.

Description: Designed to improve speaking and listening skills through the study and application of public speaking structure, content and style. This course requires 5 speeches in front of a live audience. The online course sections require the recordings to be created by the student with at least 8 adults present for each speech. Any questions, please contact the Communication Department at

Prerequisites: DEV 0035 or Other (Any other college level English course)

Description: Major trends in the development of Western culture, emphasizing political, economic, social and cultural achievements from the seventeenth century to the present.

Description: Basic nature of philosophy, its relationship to physical and social sciences and theology and its value to the individual.

Notes: Any Arts and Humanities elective from the approved Ohio Transfer 36 List. View electives at:

Description: The Earth in space, physical evolution of the oceans, atmosphere and continents, origin of life and its evolution, physical and biological development of the North American continent. Lab component stresses further application of scientific method and problem solving. Three classroom, two lab hours per week.

Prerequisites: GLG 1101 and GLG 1111

Corequisites: GLG 1211

Description: Rates of change, age dating, fossils, depositional environments, stratigraphy, correlation, facies, and interpretation of geologic maps. This is a face-to-face laboratory and must be taken concurrently with Historical Geology.

Prerequisites: GLG 1101 and GLG 1111

Corequisites: GLG 1201


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Fall Semester (Second Year)
Important message signified by

Description: For the student/entrepreneur with no background in finance and accounting. Students will gain a foundation in small business finance: financial and economic concepts; financial terminology; understanding, preparing, analyzing and presenting financial statements; and financial forecasting and budgeting techniques.

Description: This course explores the marketing strategy and planning process. Special emphasis is given to analyzing marketing techniques used by innovative entrepreneurs. Students will work collaboratively to develop a marketing plan for a start-up or existing business.

Description: This course will cover many aspects of coaching in society. Topics include youth, collegiate and professional sport, coaching models, training, coaching networking, coaching for managers and professional growth. Other discussions will cover sport and business topics.

Notes: MAN 2414 and MAN 2415 must be taken in the same semester.

Description: This course introduces students to the principles of leadership in sport and organizations. Topics focus on discovering an individual coaching and leadership style, contemporary coaching issues, leadership models and an investigation into the great leaders of the past.

Notes: MAN 2414 and MAN 2415 must be taken in the same semester.

Description: Students earn credit toward degree requirements for work learning experience. Students already working may apply to use that experience to meet internship requirements. Students establish learning outcomes and prepare related reports and/or projects each term. Thirty hours per week in the workplace.

Notes: Internships must be approved by the Work Based Learning Office. For more information on internships visit:

Prerequisites: Approval of Department


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This information is for planning purposes only. Sinclair College will make every effort to offer curriculum listed above but reserves the right to change, add and cancel curriculum offerings for unforeseen circumstances. View current catalog.