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Health Sciences Academy

Premier Health Sinclair Academy
Health Sciences Academy

Gain the education and skills you need to advance your career in healthcare through the Health Sciences Academy. Healthcare employers such as: Premier Health, Kettering Health, and Dayton Children's Hospital have partnered with Sinclair College to connect employees with high-quality education and career opportunities, working to fill Dayton's vital need for qualified, well-trained healthcare professionals.

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Career Pathways

Health Sciences Academy provides education, skills, and certifications to prepare you for success in several career pathways. Each healthcare employer has identified specific programs which are eligible for the academy. For more information, contact your healthcare representative.


Health Sciences Academy students will receive the support they need to succeed in upskilling opportunities that allow them to advance from entry-level positions to mid-level and professional positions. Sinclair will provide:

More Information & Job Listings

To learn more or apply for a job at one of the Healthcare partners, please visit:

Premier Health logo
Premier Health
Learn More
Kettering Health logo
Kettering Health
Learn More
Dayton Children's Hospital logo
Dayton Children's Hospital
Learn More
Contact Information

For more information about the Academy or how to apply to Sinclair, contact Robin Rucker at 937-512-2023.