Introduction to Far Eastern religions and cultural traditions, including beliefs, practices, stories and rituals, and historical context.
3 Credit Hours
Introduction to Western religions and cultural traditions, including beliefs, practices, stories, rituals and historical context.
3 Credit Hours
Examination of the history of unique American religious movements and their impact on our culture and thought.
3 Credit Hours
An exploration of how and why the Bible is viewed as a great book. Both the Old and New Testaments will be explored in their respective historical contexts.
3 Credit Hours
Overview of the rich diversity of human religiosity and the key beliefs, practices, stories and rituals that serve to connect humans to the sacred. Special attention to unique individuals within each religious tradition. A comparative look at religion in our society.
3 Credit Hours
Varied content offering of special interest to the discipline but not covered within existing courses; may be scheduled in a classroom/seminar setting or in nontraditional format.
0.5 - 9 Credit Hours