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2023 - 2024 Catalog Year
Business Information Systems (Part-time)

Degree: Associate of Applied Science
Division: Business and Public Services

This Sample Program Pathway is designed to provide an example of course selections in a term by term sequence. Please see an Academic Advisor for a plan specific to your academic needs.

Fall Semester (First Year)

Description: Use word processing, spreadsheet, database and presentation software applications to create reports, spreadsheets, databases and presentations for business and other applications.

Description: In English Composition I students learn reflective, analytical and argumentative writing strategies, incorporating sources and personal experience. Students will negotiate between public and private rhetorical situations and purposes to achieve academic literacy. They will write multiple drafts using a recursive writing process as they work toward fluency in style and mechanics. Note: Students who have not successfully completed the pre-requisites listed can register for ENG 1101 together with the co-requisite course ENG 0101 - English Composition I Booster.

Prerequisites: DEV 0035 or Other (Placement Test Score)


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Spring Semester (First Year)
Elective course signified by

Description: Students will learn and develop "touch" keyboarding skills, including the ten-key numeric keypad. By the end of the course, students must perform keyboarding speed and accuracy on three-minute timed writings at a minimum of 30 wpm with three or fewer errors. Students will learn to use word processing software to format and produce reports, letters, memos, and other business documents. Traditional testing (proctored or in Testing Center) is used in all online sections.

Notes: Required for Software Application Track

Description: Mathematics of finance, mathematics of trade, payroll, taxes, insurance, elementary statistics. Traditional testing (proctored or in Testing Center) is used in all online sections.

Notes: Math elective. Choose MAT 1120 or any Ohio Transfer 36 math elective. View Ohio Transfer 36 math electives at:


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Summer Semester (First Year)
Elective course signified by

Description: The American legal system as it relates to business transactions, including the judicial system and sources of law, legal procedures, torts, business ethics and social responsibility, contracts, property, employment law, agency, partnerships and corporations.

Description: This course examines the role of technology in the modern society. It explores the opportunities and dangers faced by humankind in the evolution of new technologies. It inquires into such questions as whether the human quest for mastery of nature has made us masters or slaves of the machine.

Notes: Any Arts and Humanities elective from the approved Ohio Transfer 36 List. View electives at:


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Fall Semester (Second Year)

Description: Beginning to advanced word processing software concepts including editing, formatting, desktop publishing design and editing techniques, document control and automation.

Prerequisites: BIS 1120 or BIS 1221

Description: Basic economic principles with macro sequence. Interrelationship of households, business and government with an examination of Keynesian theory, fiscal policy and monetary policy. Traditional testing (proctored or in Testing Center) is used in all online sections.

Prerequisites: MAT 0050 or MAT 1120


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Spring Semester (Second Year)

Description: Beginning to advanced presentation software techniques including editing and formatting presentations, fundamentals of effective presentations, transitions, animations, multimedia content, advanced navigation tools and master and template modification.

Notes: Required for Software Application Track

Prerequisites: BIS 1120 or BIS 1221

Description: Introduction to a specialized business software application such as MS SharePoint, MS Outlook, etc., that will provide an overview of the application's features and common uses.

Notes: Required for Software Application Track

Description: Using audience analysis, a writing process and grammatical and formatting skills in an electronic environment, students write letters and messages for both internal and external business situations; they conduct business research and write and document short, informal research business reports, incorporating graphics and presentation materials.

Prerequisites: Other (Placement Test Score)


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Summer Semester (Second Year)
Elective course signified by

Description: Students will learn techniques to properly manage large and multi-sheet spreadsheets, use spreadsheets to arrange and manage data, develop advanced spreadsheet formulas and functions, perform "What-If" analysis using spreadsheet tools and design and create end-user spreadsheet applications.

Prerequisites: BIS 1120 or BIS 1221

Description: Exploration of the development, maintenance and termination of interpersonal relationships. The focus is on effective verbal and nonverbal interactions between two people, highlighting methods of initiating and maintaining effective communication with, and understanding of, others through learning and applying interpersonal communication theory.

Notes: Program elective. Choose from one of the following courses: COM 2206, COM 2211 or COM 2225


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Fall Semester (Third Year)

Description: An introduction to preparation and use of accounting reports for business entities; focus on uses of accounting for external reporting, emphasizing accounting as a provider of financial information. Traditional testing (proctored or in Testing Center) is used in all online sections.

Prerequisites: MAT 0050 or MAT 1120

Description: Students will learn to design and manage databases using the relational model, use database objects to manage data including data integrity, data analysis and reporting, learn to derive useful information from raw data using functions and querying techniques, and create end-user database applications.

Prerequisites: BIS 1120 or BIS 1221


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Spring Semester (Third Year)
Elective course signified by

Description: Students will work in a technical or software support capacity for a cooperating organization for 20 hours per week (300 hours total) during a semester. Responsibilities are established by the worksite supervisor, and students will use the listed responsibilities to develop learning outcomes and identify action steps that are approved by the worksite supervisor and internship faculty member. Students will be evaluated by their worksite supervisor at the middle and end of the semester. Students will complete online academic work weekly including reading, completing hands-on projects/assessments, and posting journal entries over various topics related to employment preparation and skills. Recommended prerequisites: BIS 1220, BIS 1230, BIS 1250 and BIS 1260.

Notes: All internships must be approved by the Work Based Learning Office. Required for Software Application Track

Prerequisites: Approval of Department

Description: Foundations of Marketing is designed to provide a broad introduction to the field of marketing. Marketing is far more than just selling or advertising within a business setting; it is a major part of our everyday lives. This course will illustrate the importance of marketing and skills that are applicable to all specializations within business.

Notes: Program elective. Choose from: BIS-1221 BIS-2180 MAN-1106 MAN-1107 MAN-1110 MAN-1114 MAN-1157 MAN-2101 MAN-2110 MAN-2140 MAN-2144 MAN-2150 MAN-2155 MAN-2159 MAN-2240 MAN-2270 MAN-2275 MAN-2279 MAN-2280 MAN-2290 MAN-2414 MAN-2415 MRK-2100 MRK-2135 MRK-2220 MRK-2236. 3 credit hours required for Software Application Track


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Summer Semester (Third Year)
Elective course signified by

Description: Introduction to concepts of customer service. Topics to include: face-to-face and phone-based communication with customers, professionalism and workplace behavior, decision making, problem solving, conflict resolution and negotiation skills, use of emerging technologies, role-play scenarios, case studies and preparation for career advancement.

Notes: Required for Software Application Track

Description: Introduction to fundamental concepts necessary for understanding management, motivation and behavior in organizational settings. Emphasis on planning, organizing, influencing and controlling to continually improve effective management skills.

Notes: Program elective. Choose from one of the following courses: MAN 2150 or MAN 1107


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Fall Semester (Fourth Year)
Elective course signified by

Description: Analyze business problems and apply critical-thinking skills and software knowledge and communication skills learned in previous classes to solve problems and perform work-related tasks.

Prerequisites: Approval of Department

Description: This course is designed as the first in a series of two general education science courses. Covers basic chemistry and biochemistry; cellular and molecular biology. Three classroom, two lab hours per week.

Notes: Any Natural and Physical Science elective from the approved Ohio Transfer 36 List. View electives at: Required for Software Application Track

Prerequisites: MAT 0100 or MAT 0600 or MAT 1130

Corequisites: BIO 1117

Description: The lab for this course is the first in a series of two general education science courses. Covers laboratory exercises relevant to basic chemistry and biochemistry; cellular and molecular biology.

Notes: Lab for Science Elective

Corequisites: BIO 1111


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This information is for planning purposes only. Sinclair College will make every effort to offer curriculum listed above but reserves the right to change, add and cancel curriculum offerings for unforeseen circumstances. View current catalog.