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Staff Development and Innovation Committee

Professional development at Sinclair is a process for gaining the knowledge, skills, and competencies which contribute to the mission of the College. It is a process involving change which improves learning. There are three levels of development:

  • Staff Development – programs and activities designed to enhance the attitudes, skills, knowledge, and performance related to individuals within the College;
  • Program Development – programs and activities designed to enhance the attitudes, skills, knowledge and performance related to systems within the College; and
  • Organizational Development – programs and activities designed to enhance the attitudes, skills, knowledge, and performance related to institutional effectiveness.

Professional development is a means to an end.  The means involves the knowledge, skills, and competencies of individuals participating in the three levels of development outlined above. The end involves the answer to two questions:

  1. Does this professional development program or activity improve or expand learning?
  2. How do we know?


When the professional development initiative was created at Sinclair early in the 1970’s, the President and Board of Trustees felt it was important to extend learning to all elements of the college—faculty, administration, staff and students. These learning opportunities extended well beyond the classroom and supported growth for all employment categories. This remains the guiding tenet of professional development at Sinclair—learning opportunities for ALL people.

In September 2008, SDIC was divided into two separate organizations. SDIC as we know it, continued for support, administrative, and professional staff. Professional development for all faculty was absorbed by the Center for Teaching and Learning.